Chat channels

Please take a moment to read the rules before posting:

  1. Be nice to each other - we're an easygoing bunch but we won't accept bullying, harassment, or bigotry.
  2. Don't spam, demand attention or send unsolicited private messages.
  3. Don't engage in piracy, or share leaked material (general discussion around such topics is fine).
  4. No NSFW content, as this community is open to all ages.

You can find us on Discordopen in new window and IRCopen in new window (Libera Chat). These two services are bridged together, so take your pick!

The channels are listed below. You will need an IRC client to join them, or use one of the above links.

Main channels
#gbadev - general chat
#gba-help - help & support channel*
#gba-meta - community feedback/discussion
#gba-showcase - share what you're working on!
#gba-offtopic - off-topic chat for everyday stuff

Additional channels
#gba-asm - ARM/Thumb assembly and CPU architecture
#gba-emudev - emulator development
#gba-graphics - pixel art and graphical techniques
#gba-hardware - hardware / modding / flashcarts etc.
#gba-matchmaking - for anyone looking to team up!
#gba-music - listening, composing and audio programming
#gba-rust - programming for GBA in Rust
#gba-3d - 3D graphics programming for GBA
#gba-offtopicdev - off-topic chat for more technical/programming topics

Nintendo DS development
#dsdev - DS homebrew dev chat
#dsdev-help - DS help & support channel*

#gbajam - hang out with other jam participants & share your progress
#gbajam-matchmaking - for anyone looking to team up for the jam

Project-specific channels
#bpcore - BPCore Lua game framework development & support
#butano - Butano engine development & support
#natu - Natu toolkit development & support
#sdk-seven - sdk-seven development & support
#gba-docs - gbadoc & other community documentation projects
#gba-hhub - Homebrew Hub GBA archive discussion
#gba-toolchain - gba-toolchain / agbabi / gba-hpp development & support
#gba-tonc - Tonc tutorial discussion

* (there's no such thing as a stupid question!)

Last Updated: