#101423 - IPerezG - Tue Sep 05, 2006 11:34 am
Hi all, I've just compiled the example that comes with Krawall, but although I dont get a single error or warning, it refuses to work; when I load the bin file on VisualBoyAdvance I just hear a few clicks at the start, and then nothing.
I'm using DevKitAdv, and here are the contents of my make.bat file I'm using to compile it:
set path=C:\gba\devkitadv\bin
gcc -mthumb -mthumb-interwork -o example.elf main.c samples.s secondpm.s krawall.lib
objcopy -O binary example.elf example.bin
Can anyone see if I'm doing something wrong when compiling?
Thanks a lot!
I'm using DevKitAdv, and here are the contents of my make.bat file I'm using to compile it:
set path=C:\gba\devkitadv\bin
gcc -mthumb -mthumb-interwork -o example.elf main.c samples.s secondpm.s krawall.lib
objcopy -O binary example.elf example.bin
Can anyone see if I'm doing something wrong when compiling?
Thanks a lot!