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Audio > Desperate for an audio library

#2284 - AnthC - Sat Feb 01, 2003 9:22 am

I really need something with all of these features, so I can finish my current game - Cauldron :-

(1) Needs to be free!!!
(2) 4 sounds channels at least
(3) Play looping samples
(4) 'Non flushable samples.' 'non flushable' ie it won't be overwritten by other samples if too many effects are being played. This is so i can have bubbling lava in some rooms, start the effect playing once and not worry about it being flushed out by explosions etc.
(5) Play a music file (MOD/whatever)
(6) Option to pause and resume playback

Any ideas before I start the task of hammering one out on the kb?
(BTW Krawall doesn't support all these features as far as I can tell)



#2319 - JonH - Sun Feb 02, 2003 12:52 am

AnthC wrote:
(4) 'Non flushable samples.' 'non flushable' ie it won't be overwritten by other samples if too many effects are being played. This is so i can have bubbling lava in some rooms, start the effect playing once and not worry about it being flushed out by explosions etc.

couldn't you do that as a looped mod file playing in the background (the bubble noise), the play your sample over top?

#2377 - AnthC - Sun Feb 02, 2003 7:10 pm

I could, but on occasions, there's many looped samples being played in the same room.

#3524 - fl0w - Wed Feb 26, 2003 5:23 pm



That's all I have to say :)

#3530 - NEiM0D - Wed Feb 26, 2003 6:16 pm

fl0w: Where does it say how much CPU usage it uses, how much I/EWRAM etc?
And a downloadable demo would be nice.