#124050 - beamer30 - Mon Apr 02, 2007 8:25 pm
ok i may know nothing about making games yet, but i do know a heck of alot about online servers, and i might be able to make a wifi server!,just for us guys who have the homebrew equiptment, but i need a really good coder who understands n00b.
please post here if your intersted, online game will be a very small one like a puzzle challange or maybe a game the coder has already made.
I'm also going to need some testers for it so post here if you interseted
list of people Code: |
tester3-empty |
i will consider taking more than one coder so everyone intersted please post and i hope we can make a big breakthrough in this!
#124136 - Fatnickc - Tue Apr 03, 2007 1:56 pm
No option for 'You're not going to spend the time/money to do it, in the end'.
#124140 - Lynx - Tue Apr 03, 2007 2:45 pm
What breakthrough?
NDS Homebrew Roms & Reviews
#124153 - beamer30 - Tue Apr 03, 2007 5:54 pm
actually its a online server that won't cost anything and trust me i definately have the timeand by breakthrough i mean i hope we can finish it and get it working. fatnickc i don't know why your so neitive but this thread is for questions and people who wan't to help so please don't make anymore post that have nothing to do with anything.
#124158 - keldon - Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:30 pm
So what exactly is it that you are providing to this project? What does the project entail? What key persons are required to get it delivered?
#124161 - beamer30 - Tue Apr 03, 2007 6:58 pm
although I'm a n00b at coding i do know alot about online servers and i will doing the setup for an online server and part of the game client code that will hook us up to wifi i just need people to:
help code a game
help with wifi client code
testers to help test it out as i have not baught any homebrew equiptment yet
and then people to help make a tuturial on how to set your game up for wifi(if thats ok with the people that help me with this)
the project entails the cuase of hopefully everyone here in homebrew being able to make their games wifi compatiable and have fun challenging other homebrew people around the world
just think if it works you might even be able to play checkers or tetris with admin temple wouldn't that be cool.
the key person to all of this is our the coders they are what i need to complete this i can do all thge server work but they have to code the came and the client into ds form
yes testors your important too but the key is coders
also i forgot to mention if you would like to be part of this send me a pm and we can discuss this more thoroughly.
Code: |
the people who help make this and test this will be given full rights to project so they can gloat that they made it and distribute it as they wish xD |
Last edited by beamer30 on Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:55 am; edited 1 time in total
#124206 - sgeos - Wed Apr 04, 2007 1:58 am
In general, it is a good idea to use complete words.
Please answer these questions:
A) What do you want to do?
B) Why should I help? What will I get out of it that I won't get somewhere else?
Good luck!
Last edited by sgeos on Wed Apr 04, 2007 4:11 pm; edited 1 time in total
#124214 - beamer30 - Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:53 am
oops sorry ill change that its supposed to say
as for your questions
A- i wan't for people using homebrew equiptment to be able to use wifi on their games(how is completely up to them)
b- the answer to this question is not what you will get, but what more of what do you wan't to get.......................................
#124237 - keldon - Wed Apr 04, 2007 8:56 am
What do you know about setting up on-line game servers? Will you be running the server?
#124254 - Lynx - Wed Apr 04, 2007 2:13 pm
What is there to setup on an online server? Nothing really.. It's the coding involved in communicating to the DSs. So, I think I can fall under the "Have a lot of online server experience" but I can't code a service to communicate with the DSs.
Basically, you need to write software (a service) that will run on the server and open a port for the DSs to communicate on. Depending on how you design it, it may need to have a single "main" port open, and then a bunch of additional ports open so that when a DS connects, it connects on the "main" port, and then the server tells it to reconnect on one of the additional ports. It would then need to manage who is connected on these additional ports, and what data needs to be sent to them.
The server side could do anything from just act as a lobby or proxy for DSs to find each other, or it could be a full game "server" with the actual game "world" running on the server.
So.. what are you hoping to do?
NDS Homebrew Roms & Reviews
#124263 - sgeos - Wed Apr 04, 2007 4:20 pm
beamer30 wrote: |
A- i wan't for people using homebrew equiptment to be able to use wifi on their games(how is completely up to them) |
Fair enough. What can you bring to the table?
beamer30 wrote: |
b- the answer to this question is not what you will get, but what more of what do you wan't to get....................................... |
OK, I want $105 billion to build the Bering Strait bridge. Your answer does not provide much incentive aside from working on a project for interest's sake. The problem is that there are a lot of interesting projects and not enough time to work on all of them.
#124341 - beamer30 - Thu Apr 05, 2007 5:55 am
ok i can host the online server but it is not neccessary for me to, the person who made the game should be able to set up a server easy folloing my instructions on how to.
lynx has braught up a good point with servers its all on what you want so how the servers set up will depend entirely on the game. Now if for some reason we do it the opposite were the game revolves around the server(which is what we will do this time as we just need to get it to work first)
this how the server will be set up:(very simple easy to use server)
ok i will host this server.....
the server will be run(made avialiable online) by hamachi(simple server hosting program)
i will make the client to work for the server(hopefully yo'll help me do this lynx) and get the port enterinng thing to be automatic
then we will have to get the client converted to work onto the ds(coders job)
and vwalla!
not really as easy as its sound but i tryied to make all the server set up n00b readable.
ok now lynx i was wondering if you could help me with some of the server stuff(maybe host a second world?)
sgeos i see what you mean, if you are intersested in being a coder please tell me what you thinkyou should get if you not intersted, why do you even care.........................
#124587 - MonkeyBoyDMG - Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:12 am
beamer30 wrote: |
the server will be run(made available online) by hamachi(simple server hosting program)
Let me get this straight your program will make use of an internet tcp/ip disguised as a local area connection through hamachi. Are you planing on porting hamachi to the ds or are you setting up a connection between a home pc and a ds, which then will communicate over the internet through hamachi to your server.
To me this seems like a work arround which could be avoided i have not done much network programing so i would not be the best judge of this.
You mention this is a breakthrough, could you specify how, since you are looking at this from a home brew aspect with programmers allowed to distribute this however they want you wont be losing intellectual property by giving us some more indication as to what is this breakthrough.
#124588 - beamer30 - Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:29 am
by breakthrough i mean no homebrew team has ever done this and i havn't even seen a post on trying to make a game wifi compatiable so basically i mean when its finished it will be amazing.
as for your question i will port hamachi to te ds through a client that that will transfer the code which will be hard, but shoot me hard.
#124590 - tepples - Sat Apr 07, 2007 2:42 am
beamer30 wrote: |
by breakthrough i mean no homebrew team has ever done this and i havn't even seen a post on trying to make a game wifi compatiable |
Doesn't Wright Flight support Wi-Fi play?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#124600 - beamer30 - Sat Apr 07, 2007 3:37 am
No, wright flight supports wi-fi, but the i mean wi-fi all over the world not just wi-fi download play.
#124718 - dantheman - Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:43 pm
No homebrew supports ad-hoc DS-to-DS communication due to limitations of the DS Wifi library, so I'm assuming that Wright Flight, Explosive Gas, and the program formerly known as TetattDS all use TCP/IP for their multiplayer capabilities. I'm guessing TCP/IP is what you meant by "wi-fi all over the world"
#124722 - beamer30 - Sat Apr 07, 2007 11:58 pm
Sort of, except it will run on a server and client so you could get on wifi from any access point, withought any cpu communication.
#129742 - simonjhall - Fri May 25, 2007 8:40 pm
Not wanting to dig up an old thread, but how did you get on with this in the end?
Big thanks to everyone who donated for Quake2
#137524 - Dood77 - Sun Aug 12, 2007 11:30 pm
simonjhall wrote: |
Not wanting to dig up an old thread, but how did you get on with this in the end? |
Haha, thats exactly what I wanted to know, glad to see someone else already dug up the grave. That is, assuming the project was dead and buried...
Next time I post a project request I'll be sure to post the title as such:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!half-leif2 on DSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(need all the work done for me)
If I use a term wrong or something then feel free to correct, I?m not much of a programmer.
Original DS Phat obtained on day of release + flashme v7
Supercard: miniSD, Kingston 1GB, Kingston 2GB
Ralink chipset PCI NIC