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Help Wanted > Song for my compo entry.

#32470 - expos1994 - Thu Dec 23, 2004 3:34 am


I am looking for help on my compo entry, Swish-It. The suggestion from the judges was that it might be better with some music. I was aware of this and tried to create a little song, but I didn't get anything worthwile completed by the deadline. I am a little 'musically challenged'.

I would like to add a song and increase my chance of getting onto the cartridge, and I was wondering if someone would like to create a little tune for the game. A simple looping song would be great 10-15 seconds long. It needs to be a .s3m Mod (I'm using Krawall). Preferably as small as possible (I don't want to increase the ROM size much). Probably something like 5-10 little samples would be great.

For your efforts you will be given credit in the game. And based on the initial results of the compo, the game stands a good chance to make it onto the cartridge. So you could have some of your music published.
(There is no monetary compensation.)

If you really want to get fancy, you can also make a little tune for the title screen. It should probably be similar to the in-game song. Maybe a little different beat using the same samples.

Here's a little about the game:
It's pretty simple. Take a look at the screen shot on the compo page. Your little man shoots a basketball at a moving hoop. The song would be playing in the background. Maybe just a little background beat. I was kinda thinking a simple rap beat. But heck, even a NES "doot-doot-doot" song might go nicely. Whatever your strength is, I guess. (Like I said, only needs to loop every 10-15 seconds)

I am going to be leaving the state tomorrow (by car) to go to Florida for a bowl game (Go Hawkeyes). If you whip up a little song, email it to me at: expos1994(at) When I return (~Jan 3rd), I will add your song into the game, and get it resubmitted to the compo.

Thanks a lot for any help you can provide.

--Chris G.

#32485 - ScottLininger - Thu Dec 23, 2004 7:18 am


I highly recommend that you check out the following URL:

Skaven's music is pretty awesome, and he allows people to use his songs for free in homebrew projects. Chances are there's something in there that would work for your game.

Obviously, the big problem with these would be size. I don't know how big your ROM is, but even if it pushes you a little over the 4MBit mark, the rules say that winners *might* be allowed more space. It would be better than nothing.

Good luck! Your game looks very cool.


#42555 - Tomboy - Thu May 12, 2005 10:30 pm

Hassent Skaven been in the tracker-scene for ages? I think i remember stuff by him from the early 90'ies. I think that him and lizardking was some of the people that i usualy saw mods by at peoples computers.
Hi. I want to make music to your game. mail me.