#119663 - RegalSin - Sun Feb 25, 2007 3:44 am
Novice Sprite Artist
I am able to create various figures and shapes out of images and mind using programs like paint.
However I am unfamiliar wih higher end programs like photoshop various features and sprite alinements and converting.
Concept desinger
If you need help creating a script or fiction I will gladly do that.
Vioce acting
You need vioce actors I will take part.
Absolutely no exprience in Art directing
If you want to me Manage all the designers and unify the total visual image of a project. The ability to clarify visual concepts and create an environment where each staff member can work as part of a team I will do my best.
Beginer Graphics Desinger
I am able to create graphics resulting in Posters, Cd cases, DVD cases,
able to come up wit slogans using computer software.
familiar with art and advertisment stratergies.
Beginer Photographer: who needs exprience and guidance
2d desinger
I can draw human figures and background scenes to the best of my abilities. Given more time the better I can acomplish my work.
If you need me to create character design and background design I will.
I am able visualize game elements such as world setting, characters and backgrounds, via line drawings and colored images.
If you need me to do a job that determines the visual image of a game I am your man. Create materials is not only confined to the development of the game that will be used for various publicity purposes, such as advertising and packaging I am you man.
I have not taken Typography yet but if need me to create Symbol designs and original fonts I will take a wack at it. I wil try my best.
I understand the main idea of Photgraphy.
I understand the main idea of a Digital Camera.
Attended Introductry to Photography with a grade of D. I was unable to hand in my final project.
Attended Desktop Publishing with a grade of D. I was unable to hand in my final project.
Current Working Staus: currently out of college with incomplete major.
No public job exprience. Meaning I have had chance to work with people in private atmospeheres like conventions or one on one.
Living status: Jigalo Paracite. I am living of my family trying to get on my feet. I had a bumpy year in college being on finacial aid and have no shoulder to lay on that I can call my own.
My Promise: I can't make any promises unless you put your faith in me.
Graphics Design Major currently enrolled in CUNY for a start in art world. A figure artist who can create people, babies, Aliens, animals, cowboys, beasties, warriors, cyborgs, monsters. I am limited by tools, refrence materials that is provided.
Last edited by RegalSin on Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total
I am able to create various figures and shapes out of images and mind using programs like paint.
However I am unfamiliar wih higher end programs like photoshop various features and sprite alinements and converting.
Concept desinger
If you need help creating a script or fiction I will gladly do that.
Vioce acting
You need vioce actors I will take part.
Absolutely no exprience in Art directing
If you want to me Manage all the designers and unify the total visual image of a project. The ability to clarify visual concepts and create an environment where each staff member can work as part of a team I will do my best.
Beginer Graphics Desinger
I am able to create graphics resulting in Posters, Cd cases, DVD cases,
able to come up wit slogans using computer software.
familiar with art and advertisment stratergies.
Beginer Photographer: who needs exprience and guidance
2d desinger
I can draw human figures and background scenes to the best of my abilities. Given more time the better I can acomplish my work.
If you need me to create character design and background design I will.
I am able visualize game elements such as world setting, characters and backgrounds, via line drawings and colored images.
If you need me to do a job that determines the visual image of a game I am your man. Create materials is not only confined to the development of the game that will be used for various publicity purposes, such as advertising and packaging I am you man.
I have not taken Typography yet but if need me to create Symbol designs and original fonts I will take a wack at it. I wil try my best.
I understand the main idea of Photgraphy.
I understand the main idea of a Digital Camera.
Attended Introductry to Photography with a grade of D. I was unable to hand in my final project.
Attended Desktop Publishing with a grade of D. I was unable to hand in my final project.
Current Working Staus: currently out of college with incomplete major.
No public job exprience. Meaning I have had chance to work with people in private atmospeheres like conventions or one on one.
Living status: Jigalo Paracite. I am living of my family trying to get on my feet. I had a bumpy year in college being on finacial aid and have no shoulder to lay on that I can call my own.
My Promise: I can't make any promises unless you put your faith in me.
Graphics Design Major currently enrolled in CUNY for a start in art world. A figure artist who can create people, babies, Aliens, animals, cowboys, beasties, warriors, cyborgs, monsters. I am limited by tools, refrence materials that is provided.
Last edited by RegalSin on Thu Mar 01, 2007 12:04 am; edited 1 time in total