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Help Offered > 3d/2d artist looking for work.

#82412 - thebigxer - Sat May 06, 2006 1:56 am

I'd really like to get into the homebrew scene with a good group or coder who will actually finish something. If you are serious about what you are doing and require some art help hit me back.

you can view samples of my work at
email is my username (thebigxer) @

I am more intersted in working for the ds although should a interesting offer for a gba game come up I would definatly consider it.

#82633 - sgeos - Mon May 08, 2006 1:11 am

I recommend adding poly/tri counts to your 3d portfolio. Number of hours put into each piece could also be beneficial. Admittedly this is mainly a programmers forum, so you should not need to do much to get people to want to work with you. =)

Good luck!