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Retailer Feedback >

#131607 - SimonB - Sun Jun 17, 2007 9:38 pm

Accidently deleted the original realhotstuff topic with 3 comments.

gm112 wrote:
[Nov 20, 2006] Just ordered a supercard SD with a SD/MMC reader on saturday and recieved it today! I used priority mail and everything came in really good condition =D. I give it a 10/10 for fast service!

dantheman wrote:
[Dec 17, 2006] Ordered a Supercard miniSD and Superkey combo on Monday the 11th of December, received Thursday the 14th, using standard USPS shipping. Total cost was $80, $72 for the Supercard + Superkey combo, and $8 for shipping. Have had no issues with the product.

Very fast service, and decent prices. Highly recommended.

phanboy_iv wrote:
[Apr 10, 2007] Ordered an M3 Lite/Passcard3/1GMicroSD/SDReader combo.
It was put on backorder due to it's being out of stock, but shipped about a week later. Arrived in excellent condition.

Overall good feedback, prices, selection, etc. I'd definitely buy from this site again.

#141826 - AXYPB - Sun Sep 30, 2007 4:45 pm

Ordered two R4DSes on separate occasions, first with DHL ground, then DHL 2nd day. RealHotStuff delivered both times without incident. Definitely recommended, especially for East Coast customers.

#142120 - dualscreenman - Thu Oct 04, 2007 7:29 pm

Another East Coaster here. My stuff came exactly when they said it should, and the price was good too.
dualscreenman wrote:
What about Gaim DS? Gaim pretty much has support for all IM programs.
tepples wrote:
"Goshdammit, the DS is not a Gaim-boy! It's a third pillar!"

#150577 - AXYPB - Thu Feb 07, 2008 6:23 pm

Bought an M3 Real yesterday with DHL Ground 2-day shipping and it arrived a full day early. It didn't come with a box, but that doesn't matter to me.
I don't know what it stands for either

#163941 - carterman - Thu Oct 16, 2008 2:13 am

I myself ordered from them back in July and got my package very quickly, delivered to Texas on Wednesday after ordering Sunday night. A friend of mine on the west coast was pleased with their service as well. I'll definitely order from them in the future when I need someething.