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Beginners > MBV2 Cable with XCOMM problem

#104344 - opencountry - Thu Sep 28, 2006 5:46 am


I recently purchased a MBV2 cable to use with the Xcomm ver 1.24 software but I am have major problems with communication between the gba and my pc (a dell with winxp). Ihave the userport driver up and running my port settings are all set to 378 in the driver,software ,and pc. I have MBV2 selected in the tool section of xcomm but I get nothing at all.
I know my MBV2 cable works at least with the software that came with it. Is ther something that I am missing here?
Can somebody give me a clue what I am doing wrong?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

#104384 - ps2aich - Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:58 pm

opencountry wrote:

I recently purchased a MBV2 cable to use with the Xcomm ver 1.24 software but I am have major problems with communication between the gba and my pc (a dell with winxp). Ihave the userport driver up and running my port settings are all set to 378 in the driver,software ,and pc. I have MBV2 selected in the tool section of xcomm but I get nothing at all.
I know my MBV2 cable works at least with the software that came with it. Is ther something that I am missing here?
Can somebody give me a clue what I am doing wrong?
Any help will be greatly appreciated.

I am having the same problem, so I only use the MBV2 software
with it (mb.exe). I suppose the cause are the waitstates: with the mb.exe,
I have to add minimum about 100 waitstates (mb -w 100), but in
the Xcomm, I could only specify (if i remember it right) about 10 waitstates.

So give the mb.exe a try. The newest version you can find here:
DOS / Windows port v1.75:
Linux port v1.75:
DebugLib v1.42:

#104416 - opencountry - Thu Sep 28, 2006 10:01 pm

I do use the sofware that came with the multi boot version 2 cable, but I am trying to use Chisims SeneSave.gba file and it will only work with Xcomm software. I am not any good at building Xboo cables, that is why I purchased the MBV2 cable.

#104542 - ps2aich - Sat Sep 30, 2006 10:40 am

opencountry wrote:
I do use the sofware that came with the multi boot version 2 cable, but I am trying to use Chisims SeneSave.gba file and it will only work with Xcomm software. I am not any good at building Xboo cables, that is why I purchased the MBV2 cable.

Ok, now I see your problem.

I've kind of ported the SendSave code for using the MBV2 cable just
to see and learn. The problem is, that the API of MBV2 is missing
fseek, fread, fwrite, so I had to introduce a header for determining
the file size of a save (so the written saves are not compatible with
the XBOO cable version), and also the keyboard polling on pc side didn't

Its no problem for me to share this with you, I'm not sure how to publish this, perhaps chism can give us a hint.

#104548 - chishm - Sat Sep 30, 2006 11:32 am

Good to see someone ported it to work with the MBV2. If you want, I can put it on my site along side the Xboo version, with full credit going to you of course.

#106544 - ps2aich - Fri Oct 20, 2006 1:14 pm

chishm wrote:
Good to see someone ported it to work with the MBV2. If you want, I can put it on my site along side the Xboo version, with full credit going to you of course.

Hi chishm,

I saw you have put my version on your site now, thanks for that.
If anyone has problems with this version, please send a PM to me then.