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Beginners > programming with arm

#110068 - lafferjm - Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:50 am

i read the read this first post and it said for arm to download devkitpro.exe and i did and then when i ran it i saw the size of the files to download and the estimated time and it would take a while to use. and i was wondering if there was something i could use that is more dial-up friendly as far as downloading something to be able to use with ARM.

#110078 - gmiller - Sat Nov 25, 2006 6:29 am

The devkit arm has portions for other than GBA and DS development and can be installed piecemeal but you only need to do it once so you might want to get it anyway. If you only need GBA development then the number of things need is smaller. To do DS is the same tools but more library code. The PSP and other parts are not needed for DS or GBA.

My suggestion is to bite the bullet for the tool chain and then be picky about library and other utility code.

#110306 - thegamefreak0134 - Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:49 pm

What you might do is do the actual download on a high-speed connection (surely you have school or a nice grandparent) and then install on your own computer by copying the folder. Once it's downloaded once, it doesn't have to do it again...
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