#132433 - ThousandKnives - Tue Jun 26, 2007 5:53 pm
I remmeber reading in a tutorial (that I can no longer seem to locate) that it is possible to somehow output comments to a buffer when your ROM is running on an emulator such as Visualboy Advance. I would like to be able to write comments to help me with some problems I'm having with hit boxes, collision detection, etc. Does anyone know how to do this?
#132828 - Miked0801 - Fri Jun 29, 2007 10:11 pm
No$ does this as well. From docs:
The message definition format (in THUMB or ARM mode) is as follows:
mov r12,r12 ;first ID
b @@continue ;branch opcode that skips the message data
dcw 6464h ;second ID (ascii 'dd')
dcw 0 ;reserved for flags
dcb 'Hello' ;user defined ascii data (max length 120 bytes)
dcb 0 ;ending zero (normally not required, see below)
.align 4 ;align following code (use align 2 in thumb mode)
The text field is terminated by a zero byte or by the branch destination. The zero byte must be separately defined ONLY if your assemblers doesn't zero-pad alignment space.