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Beginners > GIT doesnt dot the i's

#132820 - ThousandKnives - Fri Jun 29, 2007 8:56 pm

Whenever I run GIT on a PNG is doesn't put a "." in the resulting file names. In other words when I run git on "logo.png" I get "logos" and "logosh" as the output instead of "logo.s" and "logo.h". Similiarly the definitions within the H file have "s" appended: logosBitmap, etc. The linker still looks for logo.s and can't find it so I have to go and manually change the file name and re-link.

This is the code in my makefile:

%.s %.h   : %.png %.git
   git $< -o$*

I had to upgrade GIT from the version that was distributed with DevKitPro because that version caused a fatal error whenever it was run. I have "v0.7b2, 20070331". I tried with and without "-fts" and the results were the same. Coronac's page doesn't mention anything about it nor do any of the readmes or help files.

Anyone else run across this or have any ideas?

edit: Sorry, figures the moment after I give up the solution comes. I put a "." after '-o$*' and now the files come out properly

#132834 - Cearn - Fri Jun 29, 2007 11:14 pm

ThousandKnives wrote:
edit: Sorry, figures the moment after I give up the solution comes. I put a "." after '-o$*' and now the files come out properly

Actually, this is a work-around, not a solution. The function that handles extension (re)placement was indeed flawed. Thank you for pointing it out. A fixed version is up now, but as it's a minor fix (details here) I'm not sure it's worth the trouble to redownload.

Another so^H^Hwork-around would be to leave out the -o option altogether. In that case it'd grab the extension from the input file.

About the fatal error with the git in DKP r20: I get that too, but I really don't know what could cause that. Possibly an incompatible version of FreeImage.dll ?

#132837 - chuckstudios - Sat Jun 30, 2007 12:12 am

I upgraded my FreeImage.dll and GIT works fine now.