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Beginners > sgade tutorial compiles, but doesn't run in emulator

#139442 - minnow - Thu Sep 06, 2007 7:21 am

Hi folks, I'm new. I am using SGADE with devkitPro on Windows. I compiled SGADE, and then compiled the SGADE tutorial step one and two (hello world print to screen).

While I can run the step two binary supplied by the tutorial in Visual Boy Advance, my own successfully(?) compiled code with resulting gba file just flashes on the screen and does nothing. I get no errors during compile--maybe I should turn on a verbose flag or something to make sure all libraries I need are being included? How would I do that?

I am hoping someone can provide a starting place for me to troubleshoot.
I notice that my .gba is slightly smaller than the SGADE tutorial supplied .gba.

I have had this same problem with other tutorials where the code compiles fine but won't run in VBA even though the sample provided does, so I am obviously doing something wrong.

Thank you!

p.s. I notice that my libSocrates.a file that I compiled is 354kb while the one supplied is 370kb.

#139498 - minnow - Thu Sep 06, 2007 8:57 pm

Well, I found the Insight debugger info, so I'll try that.