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Beginners > Compiling ARM7 + ARM9 in devkitpro under Windows.

#145370 - Bolke - Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:10 pm

Compiling programmes in the standard format of the examples that go with
devkitpro is no problem. But I'm trying to get the wireless to work, and in the
examples of dswifi, I need to use both ARM7 and ARM9, and compile them.

How do I do this? In my projects sofar I've just copied an example out of
devkitpro, renamed, added my files, and compiled. No messing about
whatsoever with the makefile. I've searched the forum, but haven't found
anything (or I haven't searched hard enough :P).
My code doesn't contain bugs, it develops random features.

#145372 - Mighty Max - Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:31 pm

Check example\templates\combined and work with it in the same way you did with the arm9 only template
GBAMP Multiboot

#145373 - Bolke - Wed Nov 14, 2007 3:51 pm

Thanks. Completely overlooked that one. This'll get the show running.
My code doesn't contain bugs, it develops random features.