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Beginners > Palm OS Application to NDS Application Port

#148385 - Locutus92 - Sat Jan 05, 2008 4:45 am

Hi. I'm new to programming on the NDS, but I've done work on the Palm OS. Both use ARM7 and ARM9 (depending on the POSD used) so I was wondering how hard it would be to take the source of a Palm application and convert it to NDS. Some of the early Palms had MUCH less avaliable RAM than the 4mb the NDS has. Now the later versions such as the M130 had double @ 8mb but Would it be hard to take early Palm apps -- Apps made to run on the 256K and 1-2MB Palms and port them to run on the NDS? I have the source for a few programs for the Palm. I wouldn't mind seeing them on the NDS, but I don't want to rewrite them.

#148422 - gauauu - Sat Jan 05, 2008 3:48 pm

You'll have to completely rewrite them.

Although the processor architecture may be similar, the rest of the hardware is completely different. And since there's not big compatibility libraries on these platforms (i.e. no allegro to write to), pretty much everything other than core logic will change.