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Beginners > compiling trouble

#8270 - coughfeefomeur07 - Sun Jul 06, 2003 3:54 pm

i'm having some compiling trouble with devkit adv. when i run the make.bat file this is what it tells me


C:\devkitadv\bin>set path=c:\devkitadv\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WIN
DOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program files\PC-Doctor for Windows XP\WINDSAPI;c:\devkita
dv/bin\;C:\EUPHORIA\BIN; ;C:\Program Files\CSL\Win\Bin;

C:\devkitadv\bin>gcc -o hello.elf hello.c -lm
Linkstub failed (gcc -> ../../bin/arm-agb-elf-gcc) = ./../../bin/arm-agb-elf-gcc
: No such file or directory
Thought that link path (../../bin/arm-agb-elf-gcc) was a relative path.
Thought that argv[0] (gcc) was found in the path.
The source of the error could be this program (./gcc) which I found in the curre
nt directory or the path.  This may not be the program you intended to run.

C:\devkitadv\bin>objcopy -O binary hello.elf hello.gba
objcopy: hello.elf: No such file or directory

Press any key to continue . . .

#8283 - Daikath - Sun Jul 06, 2003 10:01 pm

I think you didnt install it right.

Jason Wilkins, wouldt a windows installer be nice ? ;) (its still your decission, it would only be really helpful for beginners since everyone else seems to handle it).
?There are no stupid questions but there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots.?

#8284 - hnager - Sun Jul 06, 2003 10:12 pm

there is an installer found at - about halfway down the page under the subhead:


Get it from: HERE

It isn't the latest release (and is potentially modified by dovoto) but installation could not be easier.