#166102 - elyk1212 - Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:36 am
Hey, my last question about using gdb with VBA on linux (but the same issue exists in windows), and how to modify VBA source to correct the remote.cpp gdb communication protocol, was completely deleted.
Did I do something odd to make anyone want to delete it :P
The old form topic....
I was hoping for some good input on how to fix the issue, or in the least, help someone else with the same problem.
Maybe there was a crash and recovery that wiped it out :(
#166103 - Dwedit - Tue Jan 27, 2009 4:39 am
Yes, there was a hard disk crash and 5 days worth of posts were wiped out.
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
#166106 - elyk1212 - Wed Jan 28, 2009 5:51 am
Doh! Oh well. I'll retype the info and ask when I have time.
#166113 - pitcrawler - Thu Jan 29, 2009 4:18 am
I posted a reply in the topic that got deleted...
What I think I said was that I managed to hack the source code of VBA version 1.7.2 to make it work with gdb. I changed a "+" symbol on line 150 of Remote.cpp to a "$" symbol since that's the new ACK (Acknowlegement) character that gdb sends when a program tries to connect to it. (It used to be the "+" character in an earlier version of gdb) It wasn't exactly the perfect fix, but it worked well enough. I do get a few random dialog boxes claiming there's an error while debugging, but I just close them and it carries on ok. Perhaps this bug is fixed in the latest source version of VBA, I don't know.
#166125 - gmiller - Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:48 pm
The VBA code does have problem with the GDB handshake and the fix is similar but not exactly what you said. The code is pretty messy and I have fixed a number of bugs in the code. I have my students use it every month on windows so it is reasonably solid. The code was built with VS 2005 so there are a number of additional things that need to be loaded (VS c runtime code, directx runtime) so it is not the simplest thing to setup. If you are interested in it PM me ...
#166130 - elyk1212 - Fri Jan 30, 2009 10:23 pm
I am totally interested. I tried PMing you before, but it may have been lost in the crash.
Anyhow, if you wrote the comm functions in a similar way, it should be "portable enough" to use. I am also looking at GDB''s stub example code, to get an idea of how GDB protocol works.
With these combined resources and suggestions, I should be able to release a patch for VBA 1.7.2 that works on Windows and Linux (the intention of the original VBA code).... hopefully :)
I am a little curious why your tweak to the communication code required you to implement directX and VS runtime code...? Was the standard socket style not working out?
#166187 - gmiller - Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:26 pm
Well the problems were the way the parsing code for the packets was written, it was very sensitive to order and new releases of the Insight code changes the order so the parsing was broken. I have a set of install files to just get it up and running on a Windows box and a full set of source that I use. I started with the 1.8.. version of the code and fixed from there. The install files are at www.ivrtech.net/files/tools.zip I will PM you with a URL for the source.
#166655 - elyk1212 - Fri Feb 13, 2009 3:52 am
Thanks for all that!
Hey, to be clear, you rewrote parts of VBA and GDB then?
Insight seems to be just a GUI front end to GDB.. so I didn't think that had any remote comm code in it.
I would have thought VBA was the only party at fault, since the "stub" seemed off.
#166695 - gmiller - Sun Feb 15, 2009 1:24 am
No I rewrote parts of the VBA code that were WRONG but worked for previous versons of Insight but only worked by accident.