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Beginners > map editors

#8362 - yaustar - Wed Jul 09, 2003 4:06 am

I have tried many map editors and the actual editing is great in most of them. Its just doing the whole converting is really bugging me at the moment. I cannot find one that properly converts to 'c'.

Please help me!!!
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#8364 - niltsair - Wed Jul 09, 2003 4:39 am

This one work really well :

It's a general purpose Tile generators. You can also create your maps in it. The only thing is, you'l have to create your own script. But it's actuayl a good thing, you'll be able to get your data exactly as you want it. You write one script for Maps and Tiles and one for the Sprites and afterward, you use it for all projects.

#8420 - yaustar - Thu Jul 10, 2003 1:13 am

Already have that. It is quite good, just dont have a lot of experience in writing scripts.
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#8424 - niltsair - Thu Jul 10, 2003 4:11 am

It's really a powerfull tool.

There's a french tutorial that has a script written, you could base yourself on it to build your own. It not really that hard. I did write my own without too much trouble, but err... lost it :-\ Or base yourself on the script already written.

I don't currently have the link to the website. So try to mess around with writing the small output script. Like i said, by looking at the doc and already written one, you could easily get the output exactly like you'd like.

#8453 - yaustar - Fri Jul 11, 2003 1:27 am

Actually I am being an idiot (not the first time). The reason because the map isnt showing on the screen properly is due not to the editor (GBA Map Editor Beta by Wader1) is because I cannot code.

I defined the map size but didnt load all the data in memery since I was using code for a 128x128 map instead of a 256x256 one.

Still, I might give scripting a go when I have some spare time as I would really like to use Tile studio
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