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Beginners > Inserting VisualBoyAdvance to devkitPro

#168873 - semihce - Mon Jun 01, 2009 2:55 pm

Hi guys,

I have just formatted my computer and installed devkitPro. Before formatting the comptuer, I inserted VisualBoyAdvance to a subdirectory of 'C:\devkitPro\...' .
But I couldnt remember exact path now. Where should i put VisualBoyAdvance in order to open GBA files with VisualBoyAdvance?

Please help me..

#168875 - Kyoufu Kawa - Mon Jun 01, 2009 3:04 pm

I don't think it makes one bit of difference where you place VBA. It can run from most anywhere with roms from most anywhere.

#168917 - Ruben - Tue Jun 02, 2009 2:41 pm

Kawa: I think (s)he means so (s)he can just go "vba myrom.gba" from the Makefile rather than have to drag+drop or double-click, or whatever.

semihce: Wherever it is that your PATH variable points to msys and/or devKitARM (mine is c:\devkitPro\msys\bin). (And God-damn, I need a new browser :P)