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Beginners > makefile option for logging to file?

#172570 - zelbo - Tue Feb 16, 2010 2:48 am

is there an easy way to to have make log it's console output to a file? i've googled around and haven't found anything yet. seems like it should be a simple flag somewhere.

#172573 - elhobbs - Tue Feb 16, 2010 3:06 am

Any reason that redirecting the output to a file would not work?


#172586 - zelbo - Wed Feb 17, 2010 2:10 am

Thank you. I'm a bit new to this. I tinkered with visual basic back in highschool, but no real programming. Now i'm trying to do some major catchup.

#172600 - zelbo - Fri Feb 19, 2010 1:28 am

ok, that just logged all the successful stuff, but not the errors, which is what i actually wanted to log. But it's ok, i'm just going to get myself into the habit of using programmers notepad for compiling, which is even better. problem i was having is that i would accidentally hit a key or something which would close the command line window while i was trying to track down errors, and manually marking and copying is tedious. programmers notepad kicks buttocks.