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Beginners > Need a tutor

#178460 - Falcoshin - Mon Aug 24, 2015 7:19 pm

I'm sure this is the wrong place to ask, but I couldn't find anywhere else more appropriate. That said, I've been trying to read through some tutorials online and I'm still having trouble grasping the basics of GBA programming in C and would appreciate a tutor of some kind.

#178461 - elhobbs - Mon Aug 24, 2015 11:59 pm

I am not sure you will get an offer to be your tutor but you can post questions here. I will say that if you do not have experience with C programming then you would be better off learning that first on a pc. Windows and Linux have better tools for debugging - single step debuggers etc. it is not impossible to learning by programming for the gba but it is definitely more difficult.

That being said:
Download the build environment and set it up.
Build the examples
run the examples
Modify the examples

When you have specific questions come back here. Specific code examples identifying what you are trying are encouraged. And be sure to identify the expected output and how your output differs.

#178462 - Falcoshin - Tue Aug 25, 2015 12:05 am

Right, I know C and have devkitpro, but I'm having trouble understanding the GBA specific bits like memory addresses and such.

#178463 - gauauu - Tue Aug 25, 2015 2:41 pm

Have you read tonc? It's really the best tutor for GBA-specific programming that there is.

I'm not sure many of us here would do a better job of teaching you than it does, even if we tried.

But we'd be happy to answer questions that you have while reading tonc. If you need clarification about something you read there, we're happy to answer.

#178465 - Falcoshin - Wed Aug 26, 2015 9:37 am

Tonc is what I was using and I still don't really understand it.

#178466 - sverx - Wed Aug 26, 2015 12:45 pm

So go on with your specific questions :)
As for the memory: GBA accesses ROM (in the cartridge), Internal (fast!) RAM [IWRAM], External (slow) RAM [EWRAM] and Video RAM [VRAM].
libXM7|NDS programming tutorial (Italiano)|Waimanu DS / GBA|A DS Homebrewer's Diary

#178467 - pitcrawler - Wed Aug 26, 2015 7:16 pm

Go to and download the example code (20130324: example code (v1.4.2):

Follow the tutorial to set things up and run and examine the example programs.

I'm currently working on a GBA game myself, and making extensive use of the libtonc library, which is included in the file.