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Beginners > Make roms smaller?

#10587 - Shad007 - Tue Sep 09, 2003 9:58 pm

Is it possible thats theres a program that can compact the size of roms so they can fit on a 64m flash cart. I want to put one of them little GBA movie demos but theyre around 10 mbs and the 64m cart has 8mb ...

Thanks if you can help

#10591 - yaustar - Wed Sep 10, 2003 12:15 am

Yes, it is possible.. but we are talking Kb rather then mb. This is reffered as trimming so that two 64mb games fit in a 128mb cart. (some games are slightly over) it's called FAT v8. You can download it at
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#10594 - TheFog - Wed Sep 10, 2003 12:48 am

There is also a small program called romtrunc.exe which truncates trash-data in a gba file.
It's included in PogoShell 1.2h.1 afaik.
But as said earlier, we're talking KB not MB.
And in homebrew programs/games/movies, you're not likely to be able to truncate anything at all.