#11079 - RSP - Thu Sep 25, 2003 5:42 pm
Hello!! i'm kinda new to programming /w GBA.
Got me some tutorials and browsed trough gbajunkie's tutorials. found myself a tutorial about a tile scroller and i want to compile the altered code to see if it works. (i'm using Devkitadvance) but the make.bat seemed all different.
The tutorial has a data.asm and a start.s file of wich i don't know how to compile with devkitadvance. does any of you guys know how to solve my problem??
ow yeah, the make.bat file looks like this (now)
Thanks in Advance...
haha, advance, gameboy... aww nevermind....
Got me some tutorials and browsed trough gbajunkie's tutorials. found myself a tutorial about a tile scroller and i want to compile the altered code to see if it works. (i'm using Devkitadvance) but the make.bat seemed all different.
The tutorial has a data.asm and a start.s file of wich i don't know how to compile with devkitadvance. does any of you guys know how to solve my problem??
ow yeah, the make.bat file looks like this (now)
Quote: |
@echo off zarmasm -CPU ARM7TDMI -Littleend start.s zarmasm -CPU ARM7TDMI -Littleend data.asm zarmcc -c -Wall -Otime -ansic -fpu none -Littleend -cpu ARM7TDMI -apcs /narrow/noswst gbatest.c -o gbatest.o zarmlink -bin -first start.o start.o data.o gbatest.o -map -ro-base 0x08000000 -o gbatest.bin del *.o c:\windows\igba.exe gbatest.bin |
Thanks in Advance...
haha, advance, gameboy... aww nevermind....