#12704 - CaptainHowdy - Sun Nov 23, 2003 7:03 pm
I am a newb to this, but not a newb to C++. I have about a year of experience with it, and 4 years of VB experience. I was wondering what GBA developement kit I should use. And which graphics converters/tools to use. I've tried the gfx2gba but it doesn't seem to work on Windows XP.
Equa Studios.Net
#12708 - CaptainHowdy - Sun Nov 23, 2003 11:20 pm
The gfx2gba just opens up then closes with out showing a message or anything. Also which kit is more recommended HamKit or DevKitAdvanced?
Equa Studios.Net
#12771 - dagamer34 - Wed Nov 26, 2003 1:33 am
HAM or DevKit Advance .... Hmm....
Have you ever done register programming??? If so, then go ahead with DevKitAdvance. Otherwise, i suggest (and i speak from experience) using HAM.
The problem is that once you get used to HAM, if you want to switch, you have to do everything (well, almost everything) yourself. So make some simple demos with HAM, then switch to DKC.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(