#13841 - DDRfreak121 - Tue Dec 23, 2003 6:25 pm
HAM or Devkit
Im reading the first 7 chapters of that book and HAm looks cool so.....should I get that or devkit
I tryed to compile something on HAM and it says
"The proceedent entry pont getreetent couldnt be gfound in the cygwin directory"
wtf does that mean
#13843 - Xax - Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:34 pm
Which program from the book are you working on? I'm up to chapter 6 and haven't had any problems with compiling the source code yet, except for mistakes of my own that I've had to fix (but there's one program that requires a file from the CD-ROM to compile unfortunately).
#13845 - DDRfreak121 - Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:56 pm
I know its wierd
I used one of the examples and even tryd the first lesson and thats what it says
It sasy to install visual ham in the book...but it was installed when I got HAM...Do I have to do something else?
#13847 - Xax - Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:45 pm
Well, my situation was I didn't have HAM or VHAM, so I downloaded those, installed HAM first, then VHAM, and it worked. I *think* the book says to install HAM before VHAM, so that may be the problem.
#13870 - yaustar - Wed Dec 24, 2003 5:42 am
As long as you have the right files and code, you should be okay with DevKitAdv. I actually just installed VHAM which should be 50 meg and it works fine.
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#13873 - TwinD - Wed Dec 24, 2003 8:09 am
your problem with ham is probably related to an old version of cygwin.dll in your windows\system directory - search for it and either delete it or replace it with the cygwin.dll in your ham directory
#13882 - DDRfreak121 - Wed Dec 24, 2003 3:01 pm
I already replaced it
Still problems but Im fine with devkit anyways