#14911 - Twindragon - Wed Jan 14, 2004 7:10 pm
One of the topics on this board says where do I begin but I would like to know how to begin with concept to completion step by step. I know the development of a game starts with an idea etc but where do you start with that idea. I would like to know everything! Example would be:
1. create an idea
2. map out the game play
3. develop a game engine that would work for said game? etc
but I don't want it to be this cut and dry..I have no idea about how to program so I want to know about compiling etc...what utitlities I need and what order I should use them. when I should start making sprites and tiles so I can see what my game is looking like. What would I use to connect to a gba so I can see my progress etc...any help would be great.
#14938 - Dreamer - Wed Jan 14, 2004 11:55 pm
The worst mistake you can make it to start jamming away with ideas until things start clicking. I'm pretty new to GBA programming (but not really new to C) so I grabbed Dev Kit Advanced, downloaded and read every tutorial and sample I could find, and slowly started making sense of things. Right now I'm still very very shallow in my knowledge, but I am working on creating Tetris for the GBA to learn and practice.
The things from gbajunkie, dovotos, Pern Project, here, etc mentioned above are for code samples, full game source, tutorials, etc for GBA information, but until you learn C (get cracking on Hello World), you won't be able to make sense of any of it.
#14945 - Twindragon - Thu Jan 15, 2004 2:11 am
Thanks for the replies guys. so I should first learn the basics of c+ eh? How long would it take to learn c+ language. When I begin learning will it be fairly easy to grasp or are there gunna be tutorials which assume I know a little already. For example make a simple calculator or something...will it explain why I put a certain code in? I remember programming when I was younger for this computer called a tandy very simple stuff...but it was so long ago and it explained everything step by step...its programming language was your basic "if this = this then this will happen and then goto this" bad example but is this what the C+ language is like?
#14951 - dagamer34 - Thu Jan 15, 2004 5:01 am
I am pretty sure there are other topics that have the same information I was going to say. Search around for them.
Enough said.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(
#14953 - Twindragon - Thu Jan 15, 2004 5:27 am
Yeah sorry, I am sorta lazy sometimes cuz I figure if I spend all my time searching for the right topics I won't have enough time learning. Maybe learning programming isn't my thing. I am also a video game artist and I would like to make a game for the gba but I tend to want to do everything on my own..mainly because I find that sometimes when you start working with a team on something you can work so hard and it fails because someone doesn't live up to there end..but if I have to learn programming as well as being the game artist etc..that may get tedious.
Ok, where are some good tutorials etc on how to make sprites and tile sets for the gba? I can make good sprite art I just don't know how to make it for a game.
#14962 - Twindragon - Thu Jan 15, 2004 10:03 am
thanks those websites will help alot