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Beginners > Compiling without c++ support

#16913 - jenswa - Thu Feb 26, 2004 10:13 pm

I am compiling my files with a simple make.bat, files have *.cpp extension
and int main () as the main starting point for the rom image.

I am not sure, but it looks to me that i am compiling with c++ support, although i am not sure about that, is there anyone that can tell?

Since i am not using any of the c++ specific commands. It would like to code and compile in c.

Then i've another question, regarding the compiling of *.c files to *.o files and then putting them together into the rom.
I am not sure how to do that.

I basiscally lack the knowlegde of the commands in devkitadv, i tried searching but that didn't help me much further.

It seems this wasn't lost after all.