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Beginners > Eclipse + DevKitAdv

#17141 - naterobins - Tue Mar 02, 2004 9:27 am

Has anyone been able to get Eclipse working with the devkitadv toolchain? I followed the instructions posted elsewhere on this forum, but they didn't work so well for me.

Notably, vba-sdl wouldn't run with the quoted arguments, and the debugger wouldn't start until I hacked the .xml configuration files by hand (the config dialog thought that 55555 was an invalid port and wouldn't let me save...).

Once I did get it working (by executing vba-sdl outside the IDE), I was getting errors all over the place while simply single-stepping.

I'm using the latest version of Eclipse, btw. Perhaps I should go back to an older one?

Any ideas/suggestions?


#17154 - NoMis - Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:59 pm

the newest eclipse version is just fine. there is no other way at the time than hacking the xml file because of some reason eclipse thinks that there is no debbuger 4 ".elf [armle]" but ther is :)

regarding the errors, i get lots of errors too. but i dont mind because i dont have problems with debbuging at all and can use the variable view without any problem. so i have all what i need. if your getting the same errors like me just ignore them.
