#17656 - thegman - Fri Mar 12, 2004 12:25 am
I'm trying to get a compiler working under QNX, for GBA development, I've tried devkitadv, but when compiling from source it compiles for quite a while and then asks whether I want to apply some patches, whatever answer I give, the compiling fails.
I've also tried the devkit-ARM makefile, which can download the bits it needs and compile, it gets very far, but bombs out after not being able to find xgcc in it's build directory.
Can anyone point me at some older/newer versions of either, and see if I can try my luck?
I'm also wanting to get it work on Solaris, but that's another story...
Thanks, any help, tips, gratefully appreciated.
I'm trying to get a compiler working under QNX, for GBA development, I've tried devkitadv, but when compiling from source it compiles for quite a while and then asks whether I want to apply some patches, whatever answer I give, the compiling fails.
I've also tried the devkit-ARM makefile, which can download the bits it needs and compile, it gets very far, but bombs out after not being able to find xgcc in it's build directory.
Can anyone point me at some older/newer versions of either, and see if I can try my luck?
I'm also wanting to get it work on Solaris, but that's another story...
Thanks, any help, tips, gratefully appreciated.