#20335 - Jon_Shrapnel - Fri May 07, 2004 6:07 pm
Just wanted to say hello to all out there on the forum,
I'm a total rookie at Gameboy Dev it so I don't really know how I'm gonna start just yet. I got a webpage - http://www.runemappers.cjb.net but it isn't for GBA development of any kind, its just for UED and stuff like that, but I'm kinda tired of using UED, so I'm looking into making gameboy stuff. PEACE.
- To beer or not to be here.
I'm a total rookie at Gameboy Dev it so I don't really know how I'm gonna start just yet. I got a webpage - http://www.runemappers.cjb.net but it isn't for GBA development of any kind, its just for UED and stuff like that, but I'm kinda tired of using UED, so I'm looking into making gameboy stuff. PEACE.
- To beer or not to be here.