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Beginners > Alternates to HAM?

#26089 - kruuth - Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:21 pm

I'm quite new to coding and I was wondering if there were any alternates to HAM for beginners. What would you recomend?

#26091 - cocole - Tue Sep 07, 2004 6:01 pm

You could try SGADE.

#26100 - dagamer34 - Tue Sep 07, 2004 9:16 pm

I would say just to learn the GBA from scratch. It's somewhat better that way. Just make sure you have general C concepts like pointers and data-copying loops nailed down so you don't get into any trouble later. Oh, and knowing hex-math and working with bits of a variable helps a lot too.
Little kids and Playstation 2's don't mix. :(

#26310 - Ethos - Sun Sep 12, 2004 5:48 pm

Ummm, use devkitadv (or whatever that new arm kit is).

I prefer to use it with eclipse while programming in C.

You will also have to download cygwin for that! And grab the make binaries, and then set your environmental variables to make sure the devarmkit/bin has a higher priority.

I really suggest this since you won't want to get bogged down by non-C/C++ standard libraries, although they may be nice to learn on.

#26375 - getch - Tue Sep 14, 2004 1:41 am

I was having a lost of trouble starting off, until I found visualHAM. It was inside the HAM download I already had.
I just put the header files from the PERN turorial in the ham include directory.
(I think I also put the makefile from PERN into my project directory)

#26604 - hakanyuksel - Tue Sep 21, 2004 12:39 am

Ham is open source now, You can make feature requests or you can participate the development.
I think HAM is the most useful free development environment for GBA. It is reliable, easy to use. It has a good debugger. You can use the libraries those coming with it or you can make your GBA aplacation from the scratch. It is up to you. Also its very easy to setup and start coding with it.
Hakan Yuksel
3TE GAmes

#26608 - crossraleigh - Tue Sep 21, 2004 3:30 am

Ham is open source now

This is some new to me. Must I first register HAM to view the source? Browing as an unregistered user on, I couldn't find any information on any public source code to HAM. Can you provide more information please?

#26615 - hakanyuksel - Tue Sep 21, 2004 10:24 am


Can you provide more information please?

The project is on the I think you must talk to project admin(Peter) about the details. You can get more information from here:
Hakan Yuksel
3TE GAmes

#26619 - Peter - Tue Sep 21, 2004 11:36 am


HAM is not VisualHAM, totally different things and different persons who maintain them. Emanuel maintains HAM, VisualHAM is on my end.

Info on what HAM contains is available here, HAMlib is the library (what you can register) and VisualHAM is the IDE/Programmers Editor. Only VisualHAM, is open-source and the sourcode can be found here. Only available via CVS atm.

Here are a few lines what explain what HAM and HAMlib are, in case you have no idea yet.
