#29590 - wbochar - Mon Nov 22, 2004 6:12 am
I have been reading a lot of faqs about graphics modes and now I am throughly confused.
I have managed to get mode 4 to work with 3 64x64 sprites bouncing around the screen. I used pcx2gba and pcx2sprite to create my resources, included the header files, load the data in with a nested fornext loop (for the pic) and setting up the oam stuff.
I am used to coding things like c64's in asm and having a variety of choices is driving me mad. I have all this info my head about how this stuff works -- but I am missing a key element somewhere that links it all together.... so here comes a stream of questions:
1. Using mode 4 is basically bitmap with sprite access, no other bg's are available (except another frame right?)
2. Text modes (mode 1) are really just tiles linked together; sprites? I create a large bitmap divided into 8x8pixel chunks, load that in as my tileset and then dump the tiles I need into sprite memory and display them on the screen... or are sprites a different system all together? Part of me thinks that the tiles are different system from sprites. I can display 128 sprites and I can also display a different set of itles correct?
So in a side scroller rtype game, you would use a tileset (say in mode 1) to represent the the background stars (BG0), the landscape (BG1), the interface data/score (BG2) and lastly a transperant layer of plasma clouds (BG3) (or could it be that the last bg is a large opponent -- to big to represent in sprites?). The ship, bullets, enemies, hidded objects (say for physical collision with backgrounds) are all sprites.. correct?
mode 2 operation has only three layers available and one is capable of doing rotation and scaling.. the layer that has this different capability does it still have the same abilities and functions the same as the the other text/tileset layers?
I have managed to get mode 4 to work with 3 64x64 sprites bouncing around the screen. I used pcx2gba and pcx2sprite to create my resources, included the header files, load the data in with a nested fornext loop (for the pic) and setting up the oam stuff.
I am used to coding things like c64's in asm and having a variety of choices is driving me mad. I have all this info my head about how this stuff works -- but I am missing a key element somewhere that links it all together.... so here comes a stream of questions:
1. Using mode 4 is basically bitmap with sprite access, no other bg's are available (except another frame right?)
2. Text modes (mode 1) are really just tiles linked together; sprites? I create a large bitmap divided into 8x8pixel chunks, load that in as my tileset and then dump the tiles I need into sprite memory and display them on the screen... or are sprites a different system all together? Part of me thinks that the tiles are different system from sprites. I can display 128 sprites and I can also display a different set of itles correct?
So in a side scroller rtype game, you would use a tileset (say in mode 1) to represent the the background stars (BG0), the landscape (BG1), the interface data/score (BG2) and lastly a transperant layer of plasma clouds (BG3) (or could it be that the last bg is a large opponent -- to big to represent in sprites?). The ship, bullets, enemies, hidded objects (say for physical collision with backgrounds) are all sprites.. correct?
mode 2 operation has only three layers available and one is capable of doing rotation and scaling.. the layer that has this different capability does it still have the same abilities and functions the same as the the other text/tileset layers?