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Beginners > 4bit Palettes

#41738 - wiz - Sun May 01, 2005 4:40 pm

After lots of thinking, I have decided its probably best for me to use 16 colour palettes

I have a map with 2 layers, background layer 0 is the actual floor tiles and background layer 1 consists of all the walls etc

Trouble is I have heaps of tiles and all my tiles from background 0 nearly use up all my 16 palettes..

My actual question is "is it possible for a background to access the 16 sprite palettes instead?"


#41739 - tepples - Sun May 01, 2005 4:47 pm

You can use the sprite palettes to make what looks like a background layer, but only if you make a pseudo-background out of sprites. Or you can redesign your tiles to share some palettes.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#41744 - wiz - Sun May 01, 2005 5:07 pm

hi tepples :)

I have been thinking of that as a solution, seems very complicated to me to assign sprites to build up a background that moves around etc. Just cant get my head around it

but I do need to redesign the tiles so they can share better, the way I was looking at it was to make layer 0 use 8 palettes and layer 1 use the other 8 - bad idea when you have lots of tiles for both layers..

I guess now it means *retracing* all these tiles with different colour indexes ... sigh

#41873 - Miked0801 - Mon May 02, 2005 5:47 pm

If you really - really need all the extra palettes, you could setup a system where every 8 scan lines, you use hblanks to reload the sprite/BG palettes. This way, every set of chars could have its own unique 16/16 (or 256) palette set. It will cost you a farily hefty CPU hit, but it gives you a ton of pretty colors to work with. BTW, this goes from somewhat difficult to very difficult if you need to scroll vertically on the screen...