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Beginners > What do I need to do to make an Emulator?

#42356 - Toffe - Tue May 10, 2005 3:58 pm

Since nobody have made one for MSX and C64 yet...
And it seems nobody will, strangely.

If I had the know-how I would go at it with fists and feet.

What do I need to do to get the information and knowledge enough to make a working C64 emulator or a MSX-emulator. I am probably more interested in the MSX emu, sincethat is my childhood love.

I do believe that there is some kid of Z80 processor in it so it should be possible to use work allready done by others.

Could you help me out? Please do not mock me for being a newbie. I really want to do this. I am no good at C or C++. I used to do Basic 15 years ago.

#42362 - FluBBa - Tue May 10, 2005 5:38 pm

Not trying to be too harsh or to put you off but you're not going to find a book/tutorial about "learn to code an emulator on GBA in 7 days".

If you want to code an emulator for such a limited platform as the GBA you'd need at least little knowledge of asm and the hardware in general on both the GBA and the emulated platform.
There are 2 Spectrum (which use the Z80) and one SMS emulator for the GBA, I think the source to Foon is available at least. There is (was?) a MSX emulator in the works.

If you want to studie some emulator code, I have source to all my emulators on my my homepage.
I probably suck, my not is a programmer.

#42366 - Miked0801 - Tue May 10, 2005 6:00 pm

There are plenty of C64 emulators out there - with tons of C64 games available for them. I played MULE the other day on one :) Just google it...

#42385 - Toffe - Tue May 10, 2005 8:26 pm

Thank you FluBBa.
And I may as well at the mean time thank you so much for you
wonderful work. It was one of the main reasons that I bought a GBA.