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Beginners > Learn the coding...

#44185 - newdev - Mon May 30, 2005 11:06 pm

Okay where can i start learning the coding that I need to be familiar with to start trying to code some gba games? Ive made a pong game from a tutorial but still i dont understand what the codes mean, and basicaly i copy and paste my way to the game. i want to be able to understand whats going on and be able to write/trouble shoot. What do i need to learn? I have no clue how to read c++ ect. where do i go?


#44187 - sajiimori - Mon May 30, 2005 11:33 pm

Read a big fat C book, like The C Primer Plus. Or, if you're impatient, look up some tutorials. I believe the FAQ had some links. Still, there's no substitute for a real book.

If you have no programming experience at all, you might get up and running faster if you spend a week or two with QBASIC before doing the C thing.

#44254 - Fatnickc - Tue May 31, 2005 9:54 am

Also, although you have already followed a tutorial and made a game, you shouldn't assume that by just learning the language you will be ready to go on the GBA. I suggest that you go through the path many people on here took, which is as follows:

1. Learn C from a book. Go to your library.
That book will most likely be(in fact should be) for console programs.

2. Get good at using the console, write a few SIMPLE games, using just text. Tic-Tac-Toe* and guessing games are good examples.

3. Download a library that will help you to make graphical programs. Search this forum and the many posts like yours for that. Make sure you really understand it.

4.Remember that tutorial? Find it. I presume it was 's one (good for beginners, but does give you the code so you can copy..). No copying. Apart from maybe all the defines. Then, type out all the code making sure you fully understand what is going on. The site explains it well, so read it.

5. Think of another simple game (Tic-Tac-Toe?) and thing about how you could program it. If you want very good AI, google 'minimax algorithm'. If you don't, think of something else, not as good but alot simpler - you can do it if you try. Try and make the game, asking on these forums when you come to problems. Remember to search first, though!

*Tic-Tac-Toe (although I call it Noughts and Crosses..) is simple at this stage if you allow for multiplayer. I mean one person choosing, then another and so on. Do-able in less than 100 lines with good spacing.