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Beginners > Problem Linking-> gba_crt0.o: In function 'start_vector'

#56010 - Guenhwyvar - Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:41 pm

Hi all, in first place sorry, for me bad writer english. I have downloaded, the last version of Devkitpro (1.1.0). I have proven the examples including, and they working. Soon I have proven to look for more examples, and have problems to make work them. I use the makefile, that comes in the example template for GBA, and obtain the following error:

linking cartridge
b/interwork/gba_crt0.o: In function `start_vector':
gba_crt0.s:(.init+0x220): undefined reference to `main'
make[1]: *** [/c/Practicas/GBA/cavesAndBatz/source/source.elf] Error 1
make: *** [build] Error 2

Me too, try the examples of web :
(Great Web)

If I use the build.bat include in the example (setting routes), it compile. But if I use the file makefile, i have idem error.

However makefile in others examples it works, what is the problem??

Thank you very much, by your attention. Again sorry by my writing