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Beginners > typing sound (not direct sound)

#60905 - ghost Leinad - Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:52 am

anybody knows a cool sound for a text function (letter by letter), like a typewriter sound or smt...

BUT, not using direct sound for this, i mean, please give me the channel to use, and the frequency, in fact, tell me everything i should know...

i need this for a cool text function i make :D:D:D as soon as i add the sound i will let you know this function...but here's some details

*the text is in BG0
*the alfabet is spanish (you can find the letter ?,? the ?, ?, symbol)

just write the text...nothing special

write the text letter by letter (i need a sound for this :D)

writes a text letter by letter but with a frame around, but the bakground of the frame is always blank

writes a text letter by letter with a frame but the frame background color changes depending the pallete :D

tanx in advance
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#60924 - tepples - Wed Nov 16, 2005 3:00 am

NES games used the noise channel for typewriter sounds. Then they used a note (F at roughly 1395 Hz) on channel 1 for the bell played when the text was about to hit the margin.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.