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Beginners > My first GBA game

#75212 - phoenixj91 - Sat Mar 11, 2006 1:00 am

Well, that's a lie...
But it's one of my first. It's called Microshooter, and it runs pretty much like any other space shooter out there.
DPad moves
A fires lasers
B sets off a bomb
L spawns enemies
Start pauses
Select resets

All of the graphics are raster, mainly because I haven't learned how to use hardware registers yet u_U . I plan to add more enemies and improve the AI for those little walnuts. What do you think :-) ?

#75257 - gauauu - Sat Mar 11, 2006 3:00 pm

Nice work so far.

But you asked what do I think?

I think, before spending too much more time on the AI and enemies, I'd highly suggested learning the sprite and background graphics hardware. HIGHLY recommend it.

Why? Because you generally get a lot more bang for your buck. A lot more onscreen for a lot less work (both work in terms of the gba processing time, and your own development time (once you've made the initial time investment to learn it)).

But that's not about the game itself. Sorry....
Specific thoughts about the game itself:

Looking forward to some more enemies. You might want to introduce "patterns" of enemies...enemies that attack in waves. As well as maye some levels with bosses. Also I'm a big fan of speed....the faster the better in my book.

#75874 - racarate - Thu Mar 16, 2006 7:09 pm

very fun!

+ awesome title screen. it was simple and direct.

+ smooth controls, the most fun i had with the game was weaving between enemy patterns

- the player's bullets should be a different color from the enemy's ( or preferably a different size and shape ) to make it easier to tell what is going on

- on a similar note, perhaps make the player ship flash when he is taking damage. the only way to tell you are taking damage is to watch the life bar which requires taking your eye of the playfield.
Neko: I love meow-tain climbing!
Need anything? I'll even save your game!

#75885 - phoenixj91 - Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:20 pm

@gauauu - You're right about learning to use the graphics hardware, though I was using this game simply to better understand the flow of a game programmed in C (quite different from Macromedia Flash, I must say 0.o ). I don't really intend to take it much further than an arcade style space shooter. Waves are a good idea, I'll think some formations up later

@racarate - Thankyou for your comments :-) The enemy and player bullets actually are different colors, though I'll make them contrast more in the next release. Flashing the ship is a (bit) harder, though I'll see what I can do about it

Next up is hiscore battery saves and a bludger-type enemy.

#75887 - tepples - Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:32 pm

phoenixj91 wrote:
Flashing the ship is a (bit) harder

Rewrite the ship's palette with white for 5 frames and then restore it. You are using 16-color sprites so that you can control each sprite's palette separately, right?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.

#75888 - phoenixj91 - Thu Mar 16, 2006 9:38 pm

tepples wrote:
You are using 16-color sprites so that you can control each sprite's palette separately, right?

phoenixj91 wrote:
All of the graphics are raster, mainly because I haven't learned how to use hardware registers yet u_U .

It's more or less the same thing though, I'm still using palettes.

The ship now flashes and enemy bullets are now red :-D

#76015 - phoenixj91 - Fri Mar 17, 2006 7:12 pm

The game now battery saves the hiscore and has music.