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Flash Equipment > Problem with the Flash2Advance USB Linker

#6013 - poet - Thu May 15, 2003 3:38 am

I have a problem getting the F2A USB Linker to work on my laptop. I'm running Win2k and using the F2A Writer V3.0 Software.

When trying to read or write i get the following messages:
Initial ULA ...
Use DLPortIO
Could not find xLA system !!
Checking ULA....
USB or driver error
No Adaptor Found!

Sometimes, when i unplug the cable and plug it in again while the writer is running and already has given me the error message above, it will say:
Checking ULA....
Initial ULA ...

then a tiny alert box will aprear with the title "USB-Linker-Advance" and the message: "ULA Re-plugging and initialized."
When i click on the OK button the window closes and i get the message:
Waiting renumerating ...

There it will finaly stop, making the writer non-responding to anything. Only being able to shut it down with the windows taks control.

In the Device Manager there is something about an Error 31 on the EZ-USB for Flash2Advance Driver.

Also the driver does re-install often when I plug in the cable, but not every time. Tried to deinstall, reboot and reinstall, but it didn't help.

Does anyone have an idea what the problem is or what i need to do to get it running?

#6072 - niggle - Fri May 16, 2003 3:43 pm

Exactly the same here. Fails in the same way on ME, 2K and XP on three different machines.

Worked perfectly the first time I used it. Went for something to eat and came back an hour later to use it again and it wouldn't work.

I suspect a hardware failure occurred in the cable the second time of using. I have contacted my vendor with a view to getting the linker cable replaced.

#6106 - Rattus - Sat May 17, 2003 5:30 am

Uninstall your F2A USB drivers, then try using the ones here. I had the same problems, and this fixed it for me.

#6116 - arrid - Sat May 17, 2003 1:11 pm

Thanks for the link Rattus; I'll give them a go the next time my other puter is on.

That is, imo, the only problem with the F2A usb cable (the damn drivers). Plus you only have their software and it won't let you use the cable to send other .mb files.

#6131 - poet - Sat May 17, 2003 11:08 pm

Thanks a lot, i just tried the modified drivers and it works fine now ... no more need for that bulky old writer and that power suply, especialy as my notebook doesn't have a native printer port. With usb cable it's now oh so easy :)

I'm using Win2k, just so you know, as in the readme of the drivers the author says he only tried with WinXP.