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Flash Equipment > Flash2Advance USB Writer 3.0

#6154 - chabaol - Sun May 18, 2003 3:14 pm

Running WinXP Home Edition.
Using Flash2Advance USB with a 64meg card.
Using bart's F2A drivers posted on;f=14;t=3416;st=0;r=1;?entry23439 .
Now, When I run the F2A 3.0 program to write, I get the following

Initial ULA ...
Checking ULA....
Launch BIOS...
Turn on GBA and press START+SELECT...
Download BIOS failure!
No Adaptor Found!

When my GBA's on, a little screen pops up that says "Turn off your GBA." When I do this, I can get the glimpse of a screen that flashes for a very short time that tells me to turn it on holding start+select, however the screen flashes and I get the "Download BIOS failure" and "No adaptor Found!" messages before I can turn on my GBA. Also, if I turn on the GBA in multiboot mode while the program has stopped, I hear this extra tone and my screen goes to a picture of four curved lines that are filled in with red.

Or, every now and then, I turn on the GBA into multi-boot, and I get a white screen, and the messages

Initial ULA ...
Checking ULA....
GBA Ready
i-Linker Found
ReadPack: ULA error!
Unknown cart. Opertion is limited!

With a popup that says "Privileged Instruction"

Not that a company should put out software and drivers that work with their product or anything...

#6354 - chabaol - Fri May 23, 2003 7:10 pm

I suppose I should put what I want to know up :P

Ok, above problems, my question.

Is there something wrong with the Card, the Cable, The Software, or the GBA? And if possible, how do I get it to work?

#6355 - niltsair - Fri May 23, 2003 7:27 pm

The problem is most probably with the USb Drivers, as most people seem to have problem with. Someone posted a link to a website about a guy who posted a Usb fix, this might help you.;f=14;t=3416;st=0;r=1;?entry23439
this was the link.

#6376 - chabaol - Fri May 23, 2003 9:34 pm

Those are the drivers I'm using, actually.

#6390 - chabaol - Fri May 23, 2003 11:31 pm

Ok, here's what's happening.

I've tried it on my brother's computer (practically identical), and it works just fine. I'm guessing that the problem is that I still have the old drivers in memory, so I'm going through and eliminating anything and everything that has to do with ezusb (except for the working drivers) and f2a.

Stupid company.