#6154 - chabaol - Sun May 18, 2003 3:14 pm
Running WinXP Home Edition.
Using Flash2Advance USB with a 64meg card.
Using bart's F2A drivers posted on http://www.emuboards.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=14;t=3416;st=0;r=1;?entry23439 .
Now, When I run the F2A 3.0 program to write, I get the following
Initial ULA ...
Checking ULA....
Launch BIOS...
Turn on GBA and press START+SELECT...
Download BIOS failure!
No Adaptor Found!
When my GBA's on, a little screen pops up that says "Turn off your GBA." When I do this, I can get the glimpse of a screen that flashes for a very short time that tells me to turn it on holding start+select, however the screen flashes and I get the "Download BIOS failure" and "No adaptor Found!" messages before I can turn on my GBA. Also, if I turn on the GBA in multiboot mode while the program has stopped, I hear this extra tone and my screen goes to a picture of four curved lines that are filled in with red.
Or, every now and then, I turn on the GBA into multi-boot, and I get a white screen, and the messages
Initial ULA ...
Checking ULA....
GBA Ready
i-Linker Found
ReadPack: ULA error!
Unknown cart. Opertion is limited!
With a popup that says "Privileged Instruction"
Not that a company should put out software and drivers that work with their product or anything...
Using Flash2Advance USB with a 64meg card.
Using bart's F2A drivers posted on http://www.emuboards.com/cgi-bin/ikonboard/ikonboard.cgi?act=ST;f=14;t=3416;st=0;r=1;?entry23439 .
Now, When I run the F2A 3.0 program to write, I get the following
Initial ULA ...
Checking ULA....
Launch BIOS...
Turn on GBA and press START+SELECT...
Download BIOS failure!
No Adaptor Found!
When my GBA's on, a little screen pops up that says "Turn off your GBA." When I do this, I can get the glimpse of a screen that flashes for a very short time that tells me to turn it on holding start+select, however the screen flashes and I get the "Download BIOS failure" and "No adaptor Found!" messages before I can turn on my GBA. Also, if I turn on the GBA in multiboot mode while the program has stopped, I hear this extra tone and my screen goes to a picture of four curved lines that are filled in with red.
Or, every now and then, I turn on the GBA into multi-boot, and I get a white screen, and the messages
Initial ULA ...
Checking ULA....
GBA Ready
i-Linker Found
ReadPack: ULA error!
Unknown cart. Opertion is limited!
With a popup that says "Privileged Instruction"
Not that a company should put out software and drivers that work with their product or anything...