#123469 - cdbils - Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:07 am
i recently brought a flash2advance 256mb flash card (grey) and have been having some problems with it when i connect the gameboy to my pc and then run the sortwere it says there is a problem with the driver or usb and find port error i have tried to intsall the driver a few times now and keep getting the same, any help would be great sorry if this is a dumb question.
#123486 - Diddl - Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:15 pm
you use this f2a usb cable? this is based on this ULA driver (on PC side).
ULA uploads firmware for this 8051 based USB chip. maybe here is a problem windows side (registry or such shit). delete this USB driver and reinstall it. normally ULA should work after this.
does it go wrong since beginning or does it work fine formerly? did you install ULA properly?
#123502 - cdbils - Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:19 pm
i just only got it today, so has never worked my my computer
its also the same on the pc downstairs
#123504 - Diddl - Wed Mar 28, 2007 6:00 pm
do you use windows XP? do you use F2ApowerWriter or the original F2Ausb software? which driver revisions?
you need local admin rights on your PC and you have to press Sel+Start while turning on GBA.
#123536 - cdbils - Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:40 pm
thanks mate go it working now, having a few problems with removing games from the cart i have f2apower writer and when i try to remove the roms that are already on the cart half dont show on the file list and the others when i try to delete them just show as hiden on the cart?cheers.
#123541 - dantheman - Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:11 pm
A flash cart (at least a F2A one) is not like a USB thumb drive, so you can't simply delete files on the cart. You can hide them from the menu using the delete option, but if you want to actually free up the space you'll need to reflash the whole cart. This is a trade-off of NOR-based media, but I found it relatively easy to work around, though I bought a 1 Gbit card, so it was easier to deal with since I usually had a good amount of extra space at the end for additions.
#123544 - cdbils - Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:25 pm
okay done that now im going to be real dumb again, i added a couple of new roms on to the cart they copied on just fine, an it goes as far as the gameboy start screen then freezes im guesing i also deleted the game select screen or what ever it may be called, so do i need to add a file to stop it from freezing at the first screen?thanks again.
#123546 - SimonB - Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:56 pm
A lot of GBA homebrew games/demos (especially those from a few years back) require that you add a proper header to the rom for them to start. If you run them from the flash cart menu though, and depending on how they are run from the menu, this might not be needed however.
#123550 - tepples - Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:43 am
Your lack of punctuation makes the meaning of your post unclear. Do they freeze at the "GAME BOY" screen with a corrupted Nintendo logo at the bottom (in which case SimonB's explanation is correct), or do they freeze at a white screen just after the "GAME BOY" screen disappears?
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#123583 - cdbils - Thu Mar 29, 2007 8:15 am
sorry its hard to explain as i dont know the correct terms, when i got the cart it had a couple of games/roms on it virua tennis and something else and a load of old nes games. When i switched the game boy on after the game boy screen a select menu came up with the games listed and you just picked the game of your choice.
I then delected everthing on the cart and added a couple of my roms i had saved these were not homebrew games or demos but games that can be brought they worked fine before i completly deleted everthing now they dont.
When i power up the GB console the gameboy logo appears after the little sound it makes the logo then freezes with the logo still on the screen and this is as far as anything goes?
#123604 - dantheman - Thu Mar 29, 2007 4:12 pm
Please don't discuss commercial piracy on GbAdev. In any case, does the same thing happen when flashing only one file to the cart? You might need to manually flash the multi booter program to the card in order to have more than one file on the cart at a time. I believe for regular F2A carts you can use loader3.3, available in the downloads section of http://flash2advanceultra.tk
You could also consider using Pogoshell if you want to flash only 1 file at a time to the cart, as it packages many different files into a single GBA binary.
#123621 - cdbils - Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:57 pm
the guy i brough if from said i may have deleted the boot/game selection menu from the cart, can this be done and are there any downloads for this around?thanks for the help so far.
#123655 - tepples - Thu Mar 29, 2007 11:35 pm
Usually the loader menu is built into the PC-side writing software and copied from there into your cart when you format the cart.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.