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Flash Equipment > EZF Advance and running small programs through multi-boot

#9271 - foxglove - Thu Jul 31, 2003 8:30 pm

I just got a 256M EZF Advance cart, and I must say, it's pretty sweet to see my code run on real hardware. The only real problem I have, is I can't figure out how to run a rom directly through the cable without flashing the cart. (supposedly this is supposed to work for rom images < 2Mb). I downloaded the latest drivers and client app (0.96 beta I believe).

Here's what I've been doing:
1. Start EZF Advance Client, which says (waiting for GBA connection...)
2. Plug in the cable to my GBA, and USB port
3. Start the GBA (tried with & without the flash cart, holding start + select)
4. The client says "No Cartridge detected"
5. Press the "No Cart" button, and load my rom image (less than 2Mb)
6. My GBA resets for some reason, but just resets to a blank screen, where it hangs forever. If I turn it off, and back on, it still doesn't reset right. I have to unplug the cable and reset for it to show the Nintendo logo again. If I do this, the client goes back to step 4.

Has anyone had any luck with this? I've tried this on both a GBA and a GBA SP with no luck.

Also, another question: Does anyone know if the USB cable charges the GBA SP battery when you turn it off? The charge light seems to glow dimly if I keep the cable plugged in after turning the SP off...

#9272 - niltsair - Thu Jul 31, 2003 8:36 pm

Your rom must be compiled as multiboot.

And by 2mb it's megabits, thus 256k in bytes.

#9273 - SimonB - Thu Jul 31, 2003 8:37 pm

Did you compile the rom for multiboot?
If not, youll get loads of help from a quick search in the forum.

#9277 - foxglove - Thu Jul 31, 2003 9:01 pm

ahhhh, yes, that would be the problem... Thanks!