#10276 - cooky - Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:51 pm
i have recently purchased an XG-Flash from console Plus
Anyway I plug it into the linker and normally It recognises the cart straight away but it hasn't for the passed two days. I fear Its the linker that's faulty but carn't rule out the software.
Anyone had this problem and if so how did they solve it.
#10277 - torne - Mon Sep 01, 2003 1:53 pm
Check out emuboards (www.emuboards.com); they have a number of forums devoted to flashcarts with many people who are more likely to be able to help you.
#10317 - cooky - Tue Sep 02, 2003 12:06 pm
It's not only that but the games I have now on it keeps crashing but I think this proves it's the cart not the software or the writter but without me being able to write to it there is no way I can format it. Rats. I hope I can get a replacement. I think Im' passed my chances of getting this thing to work.
#70324 - Voelker - Sun Feb 05, 2006 4:52 pm
Did you try to open the cart ?
If you had, you should check if one of the component in the upper left corner doesn't miss. I had the same problem, i couldn't write the cart cause when you open the cart it tear off one of the component. That's why they now sale a new design with an easier way to change the battery. I'am gonna try to fix the component to see if it works.
#70463 - Voelker - Mon Feb 06, 2006 7:02 pm
I finally succeed in soldering the component but i had to use a special soldering station (cms) and it took me half an hour. The cartridge is now working fine.