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Flash Equipment > Need help with a 1GB EZ-Flash II Power Star.. :(

#24528 - io_burn - Thu Aug 05, 2004 4:32 am

I just recieved my 1GB EZ-Flash II Power Star flash cart and have been trying to get it work all evening. I finally found the correct drivers for the Power Star cart, but I have yet to find a loader that even recognizes it is there. The one I'm supposed to use, EZ Client 3.06, doesn't even recognize I have a cart plugged in. The light on the loader just stays bright green and blinks red every once in a while. I've tried a bunch of different versions of the software, none will detect the cart.

Is there a way I can determine what exactly the problem is here? Am I not using the right software? I'd figure this would be pretty easy to do... bleh. I just want to play Pocket NES. :(

#24529 - zazery - Thu Aug 05, 2004 6:03 am

Well if the only thing you want to do is play NES games on it. I'd suggest you look into Nintendo's new classics they brought at a low cost to the GBA. My friend has one and I've tried it and I think it's great that Nintendo decided to release the old games many people never had a chance to play.

As for your problem with your cart I would suggest contacting the manufacture or consulting the manual that came with it. EZ-Flash carts will probably work fine. I got one of them a while back and it didn't have the support it has now. Try installing the driver for the operating system you are running and then loading up the program. If you plug it into a USB hub without external power it doesn't work well. I've learnt from experience.

I hope that answers your question. If not I guess you'll have to wait till someone else replies.