#33613 - MrX_Cuci - Thu Jan 06, 2005 1:54 am
I was looking true some forums and stumbled upon this gba backup tool: http://www.supercard.cn/eng/index.htm
I was actually wondering if anyone has this and could tell me if it's good device.
#33648 - AC-Commo - Thu Jan 06, 2005 11:00 am
Well...if you don?t need a realtime clock, if you know that the compatibility to gba games is about 90% and that some few games will run slow(ly) and these things are no problems to you, you will have a cheap backup-module using compact flash cards to store your files on it....
#33666 - Vince - Thu Jan 06, 2005 5:56 pm
I myself am getting one to see whether we could disassemble the firmware to run our code/support the product ourselves.
Compatibility is not high because they do not target HW compatibility, as real flashcarts do. They make heavy use of ROM patching to make them work on their system.
The extra capacity is nevertheless nice to be able to play movies/emulate CDROM-based media such as the PcEngine.
Reclaim control of your F2A/F2AU with if2a !!
#35517 - arock99 - Sun Feb 06, 2005 12:20 am
I just ordered one from hopebuy.com
I'm hearing a lot of pretty good stuff about it and considering the price of the media for it I couldn't say no....
Tons of information about the card here:
I'll post a retailer feedback in the appropriate section as soon as i get the card...can't wait to play all those freeware games people have created from http://www.pdroms.de/index.php :)
#35886 - arock99 - Fri Feb 11, 2005 11:44 pm
I received my card today and although I only played one game on it so far I have to say I have no complains ;) As soon as a moderator adds a topic for hopebuy.com in the retailer feedback forum i will add more information about my overall experience!
#35890 - arakawa - Sat Feb 12, 2005 12:41 am
It would be nice if there were a SD one. I could share the card with my camera...
#35910 - AC-Commo - Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:41 am
arakawa wrote: |
It would be nice if there were a SD one. I could share the card with my camera... |
You have to wait about 2 months for a SD card version of SC.....
#35914 - arock99 - Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:08 pm
Next time I buy another card is when the DS is supported...although I don't see that happening right away considering the size of the cards
#35920 - AC-Commo - Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:46 pm
arock99 wrote: |
Next time I buy another card is when the DS is supported...although I don't see that happening right away considering the size of the cards |
You mean supercard, or something else ?
If supercard, this card works with DS.....
#35921 - tepples - Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:48 pm
I think that by "when the DS is supported", arock99 meant when the passthrough is commercialized so that at least some sort of Nintendo DS-specific code can be loaded through the Supercard.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#35931 - arock99 - Sun Feb 13, 2005 3:58 am
tepples wrote: |
I think that by "when the DS is supported", arock99 meant when the passthrough is commercialized so that at least some sort of Nintendo DS-specific code can be loaded through the Supercard. |
Your correct that's what i meant...I have a DS right now and my SuperCard works fine on it :)
#36248 - Vince - Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:08 pm
I started the Supercard hacking thread here : http://forum.gbadev.org/viewtopic.php?t=5051
Reclaim control of your F2A/F2AU with if2a !!
#36251 - arock99 - Wed Feb 16, 2005 2:26 pm
Check out the Retailer feedback forum for the www.hopebuy.com thread...its who i used to purchase my SuperCard....no complains!
#36297 - mrnull - Thu Feb 17, 2005 1:16 am
I was wondering, does the SuperCard work with the passthrough? It seems like a great (read: cheap) way of GBA homebrew storage with easily upgradable memory.
Just want to make sure it's compatible when the DS scene takes off.
#36312 - tepples - Thu Feb 17, 2005 6:04 am
mrnull wrote: |
I was wondering, does the SuperCard work with the passthrough? |
Probably not, and here's my reasoning: Does the SC user have to "load" a game into RAM every time e powers up the GBA? If so, then loading games into RAM is probably done with GBA code, and when the DS powers up in DS mode and passes control to the passthrough, the only code there is the SC firmware.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.
#36315 - Dwedit - Thu Feb 17, 2005 7:27 am
Unless someone can write CF reading code that fits inside a DS header...
"We are merely sprites that dance at the beck and call of our button pressing overlord."
#40119 - MrMr[iCE] - Fri Apr 15, 2005 7:20 am
I just saw this device, im curious if it will work with a cf mcrodrive? I have a 4 gig hitachi in my pda, if it truly does work then im ordering one now =)
Does the corpse have a familiar face?
#40222 - Vince - Sat Apr 16, 2005 10:38 am
Microdrives are CF type II. The Supercard only works with CF type I. This is only a question of physical dimensions that make the CF type I differ from CF type II.
Reclaim control of your F2A/F2AU with if2a !!
#40310 - MrMr[iCE] - Sun Apr 17, 2005 10:18 am
sigh...didnt see that. never mind.
Anything out there that does sd perhaps?
Does the corpse have a familiar face?
#40385 - AC-Commo - Mon Apr 18, 2005 9:09 am
MrMr[iCE] wrote: |
sigh...didnt see that. never mind.
Anything out there that does sd perhaps? |
SD version should be finished end of this month.