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Flash Equipment > New EZFA user

#33827 - xorg - Sun Jan 09, 2005 7:12 pm

Hello all, i just received my EZFA from Jandaman and what a great device and great service from Jandaman. I received it in 3 days after order.

I had it up and running in minutes following this tutorial,

but when i go back to do anything it dosent recognize the driver under xp. When i first installed it, i turned off driver signing and all was a go. Is there a fix for this somewhere? I re-installed the driver but still no go. Tia.

#33864 - xorg - Mon Jan 10, 2005 4:47 am

Well i managed to figure out my driver issue so now i have another question.

I have a whole bunch of roms in my rom folder, i send one to the cart and play the game for a good period of time...when im done with that game for a while, do i have to dump the rom to file + the saved file or can i just dump the saved file only? This way when i want to play it again, i just load the file from the rom folder and the saved file from the saved folder or do i always have to dump the rom file at the same time i do the saved file. I hope this makes sense to you all. tia

#33886 - blinky465 - Mon Jan 10, 2005 6:20 pm

As you know, ROM stands for Read Only Memory.
So you compile your OWN code into a gba file and copy it onto the Flash cart - there's no benefit from dumping the ROM after you've played it, since the ROM (read-only remember) part of the game will not be written to.

And even if your console did mess up the rom, you could always get your source code for your own game (that you wrote) and recompile it anyway, couldn't you?

It would seem that home developers receive a lot of bad press since they are often associated with the tools used by many software pirates.

And you're NOT running pirated games on your flash cart, are you?
EDIT: You DID read the sticky on this forum before posting too didn't you?