#34884 - Glennman - Thu Jan 27, 2005 8:14 pm
Firstly apoligies for my inexperience as this
is a new purchase for me and i havent got a
clue about GBA
I plug in my linker and advance card and it is
detected as a Westell USB ADSL Loader??? i have installed
all the necessary XP drivers but still get the caption below
in the command box of F2A Powerwriter
I have the F2A 256 card and linker
Welcome to use F2A PowerWriter
Checking ULA....
USB or driver error
find_port() error!
I am running windows xP Pentium (R) 4 tryed loads
of things off several sights and seem to be getting
no where fast
Any help appreciated, and any more info needed i
will try my best to provide
#34933 - Glennman - Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:06 am
i now have managed to get most things working
but it is freezing in the F2A Writer screen????
Please help....i have tryed numerous time to reinstall
drivers to no avail.
Need to know if the cable is fryed??
#34935 - Vince - Fri Jan 28, 2005 10:37 am
F2A linker works as follow :
+ you plug the linker : as it is based on an AN2131 chip and because F2A designers did not change its default USB ID, it is detected as a generic AN2131 device (prototype board).
+ when the linker software starts (powerwriter for Ultra models, f2awriter for older models), it uploads formware to the chip which resets and comes back as a totally different device as the AN2131 : the F2A linker.
+ the software then uses commands to talk to the linker and write to the cart.
The first point above means that if you have another USB device that is also based on the same chip, there will be a driver mismatch with two drivers trying to use the same device. This is what happens with the Westell ADSL loader trying to configure the F2A linker.
You could try to locate and remove the Westell INF windows file to prevent this; this however may not be possible if you are really using the Westell modem as your ADSL device. In both cases, try to install and use the software on another computer to be really sure there is no problem with the linker itself.
You may also want to try the modified WinXP drivers to see if you get better results.
Reclaim control of your F2A/F2AU with if2a !!
#34948 - Glennman - Fri Jan 28, 2005 5:11 pm
Thanks Vince, gonna try this again matey.
I don't have the Westell Modem running but i
did prior to my wireless setup, so i will try and
remove the drivers manually. Will let you know
how it goes...:)
#34968 - Glennman - Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:42 pm
Thanks Vince for all your help....Linker is
now working :) i found it was the .dll file that
was causing me all the hassle
#35154 - Vince - Mon Jan 31, 2005 10:48 am
Hello Glennman,
Glad to know everything is working finally !! If you have a Linux box, be sure to give if2a a try (link in my sig).
Reclaim control of your F2A/F2AU with if2a !!
#35295 - Mitch GBA - Wed Feb 02, 2005 6:58 pm
I'm having the freezing problem too. What did you do to fix it?
#35299 - Mitch GBA - Wed Feb 02, 2005 7:36 pm
this is where it crashes. When I turn on the GBA, and press the buttons, it plays the game I somehow managed to put on it. The program on the PC stops reacting..
#35418 - Glennman - Fri Feb 04, 2005 1:37 pm
Hi matey
Well what i did was copy the .dll files into the
same folder of F2A on my harddrive as for some
reason on installation this process did not happen
then it worked. Let us know how you get on.
This is exactly the same place mine was freezing