#35233 - sjohnst4 - Tue Feb 01, 2005 8:52 pm
I've got a EZF Advance III 256 Mb.
I managed to load a couple of games onto it and play them. But the next time I tried to put a game on I got error :
"CRC error - please write again"
That is all I can get now. Whatever I do it just throws up a CRC error.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Also Whenever I select ReadRom or ReadSav the application throws an error and closes with the a memory exception.
Thanks for any help or ideas
#35303 - AC-Commo - Wed Feb 02, 2005 8:31 pm
if you have the chance, send your set back to the dealer and buy a "original", not a copy of a link-system.
#36564 - Lynx - Thu Feb 24, 2005 5:50 pm
Any updates on this system? Kinda hard to send it back to Hong Kong (and hope to get a refund). It took me a month to get the damn thing. But, as usual, I guess you get what you pay for.
I'm trying to get uClinux to write, but I'm getting the same CRC error. I was able to dump a cart I bought, and then write it to the EZF-AIII without much problem. As for writting homebrew, it seems to be hit or miss if it will take. But, if I get a CRC error, it doesn't seem to ever work with that rom.
Any ideas?
sjohnst4, did you ever get yours working?
#36581 - Lynx - Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:38 am
Well.. I think I have it kinda figured out. I think it has to do with the SRAM setting. Default is 4, but some need more. Also, I have been able to use gbata to patch the sram and load them as well. Still haven't been able to get uCLinux running.. But I'm going to keep at it, and will post here if I figure it out.
So, this cart might not be as bad as everyone makes it out to, just that there are no english instructions.
#36599 - Lynx - Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:11 pm
Ok.. Don't know if this information is usefull to anyone besides myself.. But, because I couldn't find anything when searching the web, I'll post it here anyway. I've basically minimized the CRC's down to not very often. But, I have to use gbata to look at/fix the roms before trying to write them. I don't even have problems with multiple roms.. So, nuff chit-chat.. here's what I do:
1) Open rom in gbata.
- if the "Fix Header" button is not grey'd out, I click it and save the game as romname-header.gba.
- Next, I load the romname-header.gba into gbata (Note the Save Type listed at the bottom of the Header Viewer tab) and go to the SRAM Patcher tab and if patch is not grey'd out, I click it and save the game as romname-header-SRAM.gba.
2) Write rom with EZF-AdvIII
- so, now you have a good header and patched SRAM to write to the EZF Advance III. So, load up EZF-AdvIII and click select, pick your .gba file.
- Now, if the save type was NONE, make sure you select NONE as the save type in the box on the right. Now, click on WriRom and you should be set.
- If it has a save type, the fun part is picking the size. The default of 4 may be fine. But, some games need more, so you may need to set it higher.
Updated information can be found here:
JZ Docs
#37188 - look - Tue Mar 08, 2005 6:09 pm
I've heard swapping the usb cable solves most problems with this card
#37221 - Lynx - Wed Mar 09, 2005 12:43 am
Yeah.. someone PM'd me that.. I tried it, but it didn't seem to make a difference. :(
#37574 - look - Sun Mar 13, 2005 10:14 am
I've got my DS now and I've been playing GBA stuff on it mostly.
Not had a single CRC problem with my EZF Advance III
I have 2 other issues :-
1) The 256Mbit card is just too small. Can only squeeze on 6 roms.
2) Read/Write speeds are terrible
My supercard should be here next week so the EZF is going on ebay
#37597 - tepples - Mon Mar 14, 2005 12:22 am
The gbadev.org web board is about developing and playing homebrew games, not necessarily about playing backups of commercial games. You'll find this board more useful once you learn to code in C.
But until you learn to code...
If you want to put more ROMs on your card, try getting smaller ROMs. Homebrew ROMs, such as those developed by the regular posters on this board, are on average much smaller than commercial ROMs. For instance, Tetris Worlds is 4,096 KB, while Tetanus On Drugs is 160 KB. In addition, homebrew or commercial ROMs from systems emulated in PocketNES or Goomba tend to be smaller than commercial GBA ROMs.
Pocket Heaven may be more useful for you.
-- Where is he?
-- Who?
-- You know, the human.
-- I think he moved to Tilwick.