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Flash Equipment > Flash HD To Go For SuperCard 20GB, 40GB, or 60GB

#37932 - arock99 - Fri Mar 18, 2005 9:33 pm

I just came upon this product:

It basically allows you to transfer files from CF (or any other brand of Flash Cards) to its internal hard drive (that comes in sizes of 20, 40, and 60gb).
The 20GB models are about the same price as a 2GB CF Card....

From looking at it, it can move files from the CF card to the internal hard drive, i wonder if it can move files from the internal hard drive to the CF card as well...if it could it could be pretty much unlimited storage!

It could be a great addition to the SuperCard!

#38688 - AC-Commo - Wed Mar 30, 2005 11:54 am


well..we sell a product like this, too. It?s called "EZ-Tank", but the only operation you can make with this device, is to store alle files found on your CF or whatever card to the hd. You have no chance to select and copy files from this device back to your card again....

It?s "only" a backup device if you travel without pc.....