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Flash Equipment > NOOB Parallel port flash advance linker

#64757 - jippie - Mon Dec 26, 2005 12:56 pm

I bought a Parallel port flash advance linker and a Flash advance card(256M) years ago. I hardly used it.

for XMAS I got a DS and I thought I get the flash out and see if I can get some GBA games on it.

Well the first problem is the transformer??
What power should I have as I'm not sure if is it the correct one anymore.
I do get a read light!!

Also what software I have XtremeLink V1.25 but this does nothing and also tried Flash Advance Writer 3.2 and couldn't get anything to work either.

SO maybe the cable, I'm using a straight cable all the wires?

any help please, my xmas sucks at this moment !!!


#71823 - robot - Tue Feb 14, 2006 6:34 pm


I buy a second hand LPT port Flash Advance Linker and Flash Advance Pro 256 M from my friend.

At first I use six 1.5 V batteries but FAL don't work. After that I change batteries with 9V power adapter and it worked again.